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Want to stay on the right side of the law? We support businesses and public authorities and help them to promote good practice.

Annual monitoring return

What you need to know


Annual Monitoring Return

Only registered employers (ie. with 11 or more full-time employees working 16 hours or more per week) are required to complete an annual monitoring return.  A failure to submit a return is a criminal offence, as is failure to submit one within the prescribed period.

What is an Annual Monitoring Return?

As a registered employer you are required to submit an annual monitoring return to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. This must include specific information relating to the community background and sex of employees, applicants, appointees and in some instances promotees and leavers.

A failure to submit a return is a criminal offence, as is a failure to submit one within the prescribed period. This carries a penalty of up to £5,000 as well as sanctions such as loss of Government grants and exclusion from public contracts.

Where do I get a Monitoring Return Form?
Every year the Commission sends all registered employers a monitoring return proforma and guidance on how to complete it. This guidance will include timeframes for completion. It allows you to complete each section and save it as you go along. You can also download a copy of the form below:
The completed form can be printed out, signed and returned to us at the address below.

Recruitment Agencies are ALSO required to complete an additional section, PART R:

Annual Monitoring Returns - online submission

The Commission has introduced a new way to submit the Annual Monitoring Return Forms. The paper copy form will no longer be posted to each employer. Employers will now receive an email on their annual monitoring date with a unique link to our online submission portal. We can resend the online link at any time, email this request to or you can still download the monitoring return (pdf) and email the return to, ensuring your registration number, company name, address and email are included.

Help is available
We believe that helping you promote and encourage good equal opportunities practice is as important as enforcing the equality law. Every year, the Commission helps hundreds of businesses and organisations comply with equality laws. We recognise that employers' needs differ across sectors and businesses – so we tailor our services to meet employers’ varying needs. We also run workshops each month on how to monitor staff and can meet with you individually if this more helpful. Details are available on our training page

For further information or assistance phone the Advice & Compliance Team on 02890 890 888 or email
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, Equality House, 7–9 Shaftesbury Square, Belfast BT2 7DP

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