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How is our work influencing life in Northern Ireland and delivering equality? Learn more about our policy, legal and research work.

Housing policy priorities and recommendations

Housing and communities in NI
Communities (inc. housing)

What you need to know

Consultation responses


Housing and communities: policy priorities and recommendations

Housing is a basic human need and provides a foundation for family and community life.  Good quality, affordable housing in safe, sustainable communities is essential to ensuring health, well-being and a prosperous society.

The Commission is mindful of the complex relationships that exist between housing and other domains.  Addressing key inequalities will not only require work across a range of Departments, agencies and functions of government, but also by organisations who have responsibilities for, or an interest in, housing and communities in Northern Ireland.  Whilst we both recognise and welcome progress that has been made, it is clear that challenges remain.


Priority areas for intervention 

The Commission considers, following engagement with stakeholders and wider consideration, that there are immediate opportunities and/or a particular pressing need to secure change in relation to:

Advancing sharing in housing while ensuring objectively assessed need is met


Addressing the longer social housing waiting list for Catholic households


The provision of disability related accommodation


Tackling the under-reporting of hate incidents and crimes and increase outcome rates


Also see our overarching areas for action. While the Commission will work to encourage prompt action to address the above, we also encourage action by stakeholders and government to advance our full range of recommendations, with a particular focus on tackling the inequalities identified in our Statement on Key Inequalities in Housing and Communities which under pinned these policy recommendations.  

Further information about the Commission’s priorities and recommendations is available in the following publications:


Additional information 
View our Real Stories – real life stories which tell us about personal experiences, good and bad of finding and keeping a home in NI.  

Contact us

If you would like to know more about this area of our work further, please email:



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How have we advised Government on policy issues?

The Commission seeks to shape public policy through a range of channels, including by responding to public consultations.  We are frequently asked to consider and comment on government policy and strategy documents on our areas of expertise.

Here are our most recent responses to consultations on housing and communities:

Consultation responses


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