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How is our work influencing life in Northern Ireland and delivering equality? Learn more about our policy, legal and research work.

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Participation in public life
Participation in public life

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‘Section 75’ investigations

We can carry out investigations under the Northern Ireland Act 1998 in these circumstances:

  • Paragraph 10 provides that when the Commission receives a complaint made in accordance with that paragraph of failure by a public authority to comply with its approved equality scheme, the Commission will either investigate the complaint, or provide reasons for not investigating.
  • Paragraph 11 empowers the Commission to undertake investigations to allow any other investigation [i.e. other than paragraph 10] where it believes that a public authority may have failed to comply with its approved equality scheme.

    We can therefore only investigate a public authority under Paragraph 11 if we form a belief that the public authority may have failed to comply with its approved equality scheme.

    Para 11 investigations can be generated purely from within the Commission´s own knowledge, or from matters of general importance brought to its attention by interested third parties.

Women in public life

  • Chief Executive Evelyn Collins spoke about the use of positive action to increase the participation of women in politics at a joint WRDA/QUB conference in 2012. Read the speech notes (pdf)
  • In 2013 the Commission published ‘Childcare: Maximising the Economic Participation of Women’ (pdf) which highlighted the need for affordable childcare – one of the barriers to participation in political and public life. View summary report (pdf)
  • At the last General Election, we supported the Women’s Manifesto.

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Participation in public life

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